Everyday you see chipmunks here at the Inn. What's funny is when you see chipmunks on a very windy day and they jump for there hole only to be blown off course mid-bound. This happened to one little fellow just the other day. He was surprised when a couple of humans walked up behind him and scared the guy which made him dive for his hole, only to get blown slightly off course and the poor little guy flew smack into the wall of the garage (next to his hole). He stopped, looked dazed for a moment then wandered slowly into his hole. Poor little guy luckily was uninjured but it made both the humans stop for a moment, shake our heads and then laugh out loud at his poor timing!
We've also had occasion this spring to catch the wonders of nature with Robin's nesting and hatching their young. This happened in a shrub/tree just outside the window of the dining room in the Inn. We could go up to a room above to see the beautiful blue of their eggs earlier, then when they hatched got to watch mom and dad feed their young chicks beak to beak. It was a great experience for our boy, and he loved it.
Then, another day we opened the basement door one morning to find a cow moose just on the other side of the creek behind the Inn. She looked up and then trotted off into the woods up the hill behind us. We'd been here a year and a half already and I'd been looking all over, just to find one not 15 yards away in the backyard.
The following day, I was cooking breakfasts for our guests and our boy came briskly into the Inn kitchen and announced "Daddy, daddy I just saw a black bear!" He was quite proud of himself for catching the fellow, essentially in the same spot as I'd seen the moose just the day before.

For this city boy transplanted willingly to the wonders of New Hampshires "quiet corner" of the Dartmouth/Sunapee region

we love being here. We get to see the beauty of nature everyday, while still being close enough to the city's to keep us fully connected.
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