CONCEIVED IN THE MID-EIGHTIES by a group of creative environmentalists associated with the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust, the Society for the Protection of N.H. Forests, the Lake Sunapee Protective Association and with local conservationists, the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition has evolved into a dynamic, non-profit corporation led by directors whose towns have SRKGC trails: Andover, Danbury, Goshen, Newbury, New London, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Warner and Wilmot The Greenway’s mission is to create and maintain a forever-green great circle of trail corridors and protected lands providing walkers with access to the mountains, lakes, vistas and historical sites of the region.
The "necklace" of more than 75 trail miles was created with the cooperation of private landowners and local and state authorities. It passes through forests, over mountains, and via old Class VI roads. Many of these roads were used extensively as many as two centuries ago.
Maintaining the Greenway, improving its pathways and creating new ones, some to form links with other famous hiking areas such as Monadnock and Cardigan mountains, are tasks undertaken by SRKGC members. Your membership, and offer to help, will always be welcome.
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